Step up from your trainer with confidence – and easy ARF assembly.
Although you can speed through assembly in just 15-20 hours, the all-wood, MonoKote-covered
Easy Sport 40 MkII ARF is indistinguishable from a carefully crafted kit. Its gentle low-speed flight
provides an easy, confidence-boosting transition from your basic trainer to exciting aerobatics.
Stock Number: GPMA1036
Wingspan: 59.2 in (1505 mm)
Wing Area: 750 in² (48 dm²)
Weight: 5.5-6.5 lb (2500-2950 g)
Wing Loading: 18-21 oz/ft² (55-64 g/dm²)
Length: 50 in (1270 mm)

Engine Required: 2-stroke .40–.50 cu in
(6.5–8.5 cc) or 4-stroke .52–.70 cu in (8.5–
11.5 cc)

Radio Required: 4-channel with 4 servos
All of the Easy Sport 40 MkII ARF's major components
come prebuilt from high-quality wood and expertly
precovered with Top Flite® MonoKote® film. Extensive
hardware and photo-illustrated instructions are included.
Ample room is provided in the model's fuselage for your
receiver and servos. Installation is fully explained in the
model's step-by-step, photo-illustrated instruction
manual,which is remarkably detailed, especially for an ARF!
$ Sold Out
---Offers reassuring, trainer-like stability while you learn to fly aerobatics.
---Shoulder-mounted wing with fully symmetrical airfoil increases maneuvering potential.
---Roomy fuselage allows easy installation of on-board radio gear.
---Heavy-duty tricycle landing gear and virtually all required assembly hardware are supplied.
---Included, reinforced nylon Great Planes Adjustable Engine Mount fits any engine in the recommended
range for solid support.